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Functional Skills for Adults

Generally, admission to an apprenticeship programme or higher study requires a minimum GCSE grade of 4/C. But a lot of people might have lost their certificate, failed their GCSE, or chosen not to repeat it. In these situations, you have to decide between retaking your GCSE and obtaining a functional skill or an equivalent certificate (such a Level 2). If you're searching for a fast certification process, functional skills offer year-round alternatives, while GCSE exams are only accessible twice a year. Adult functional skills courses are also shorter than typical GCSE courses. We heartily suggest taking a look at the adult functional skills course offered by Pass Functional Skills

Functional Skills' Benefits for Adults

Functional skills are a worthy substitute for GCSEs. Pass Functional Skills is an organisation that specialises in offering maths and English courses and tests. Functional skills provide a quicker method. In as little as two weeks, some students can arrange, take, and receive their exam results. For people balancing childcare or work obligations, functional skills are an excellent alternative because of this. Functional skills offer exams every week from Monday to Saturday, in contrast to GCSEs, which take more time. For individuals with hectic schedules, Pass Functional Skills provides multiple daily time slots so they can complete their study without any disruptions.

Exams and Courses for Functional Skills


Pass Functional Skills' mathematics course encompasses a comprehensive curriculum covering all essential test topics. Abundant practice questions and review videos ensure thorough preparation. Mock exams integrated into the curriculum further enhance readiness for the two-hour test. Examinees complete the mathematics component of the exam from home under online invigilation, comprising a 90-minute calculator section and a 30-minute non-calculator examination.


Pass Functional Skills' English course comprises three separate tests evaluating speaking, listening, and communication (SLC) skills, as well as reading and writing proficiency. The course includes review sections and exam-style questions, with AI-powered mock tests facilitating practice for lengthy response questions. While the reading and writing examinations are usually scheduled within a two-hour window, the SLC test is administered independently. To receive the functional skills qualification, one must pass all three of the components' exams, which are proctored online from home.


As an alternative to the traditional GCSE pathway, functional skills allow adults wishing to advance in their education a rapid and flexible path. Pass Functional Skills provides easy and quick access to exams and courses for individuals who want to balance continuing their education with their adult lives.


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